Learn about all the different people who make Pearson work!
It takes lots of people to make sure that everything runs smoothly at Toronto Pearson Airport! There are so many different jobs for people with all kinds of interests and skills. Let’s check out some of these jobs - maybe we’ll find the right job for you!
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Air Time: Let’s talk to Pietra Sjoen
Pietra Sjoen works at the airport for Pearson Falcon Environmental Services. She works with falcons and eagles to keep the airfield safe. Airport Explorer Malka talks with Pietra about her work and meets her feathery co-worker, Waylon!
Activity: Airport Charades
Lots of people work at the airport doing interesting jobs! Test out your acting skills with this activity of job-related charades!
Fun for all ages, but best for explorers aged 7-10.
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Activity: Word Scramble
Can you usnleacbmr - unscramble - the job names in this activity to find the secret message? The answers are on page 2!
Fun for all ages, but best for explorers aged 7-10.
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Activity: Put your best foot forward!
Would you like to have a job at the airport? To get it- and to get most other jobs- you’ll need to go in for a job interview to talk about why you’re the right person for the position! Use this activity and tips to practice with a pretend job interview, so you’ll be ready for the real thing when you grow up!
Fun for all ages, but best for explorers aged 11-14.
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Resources: Want to keep exploring?
We’ve found some great links to help you learn more about working animals! Learn more about working dogs and falcons, and watch the Pearson Airport falcons fly!