Module 12 tile .png

Learn about what airports and airplanes might be like in the future!

Airplanes and airports have changed a lot over the last century. But how will air travel and aviation change in the future? We have some ideas! From bio fuel to solar planes to air ships to space tourism, there are some exciting possibilities!

Use the controls at the bottom of the slides to make them bigger or move to the next slide

Activity: Make a time capsule

Find some things that show what life is like for you right now and then hide them away for your future self to find! This activity will help you choose what should go in your time capsule and includes some pages to write down your thoughts. Capture memories for your future self or for the people who might find your capsule in the future! 

Fun for all ages!

Use the controls at the bottom of the slides to make them bigger or move to the next slide

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Activity: What will the future look like?

Using the information you learned in the slideshow and your own imagination, illustrate the skies of the future! Make a mural indoors or outdoors that shows what you think the skies will look like in the year 2100!

Fun for all ages, but best for explorers aged 7-10.

Use the controls at the bottom of the slides to make them bigger or move to the next slide

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Activity: Flying in 2050

Take a trip in your imagination! The year is 2050, and you’re taking a trip to another country. What will traveling there be like? Write a story describing your trip from when you leave home to when you arrive at your destination. Use what you learned in the module and your imagination!

Fun for all ages, but best for explorers aged 11-14.

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Resources: Want to keep exploring?

Want to learn even more about how airport terminals work? Check out these resources!