Check out what other Airport Explorers have been working on! You can also send us your own work to be added to this page and to enter a weekly contest for Airport Explorers Club prizes!
Email your work to!
Please see the rules and requirements at the bottom of this page.
Explorer’s Gallery
Story by Airport Explorer Sierra, age 9. Thanks, Sierra!
Model airplane by Airport Explorer Lily, age 10. Thanks, Lily!
Illustration by Airport Explorer Julie. Thanks, Julie!
Activity by Airport Explorer Anjaneya. Thanks, Anjaneya!
Activities by Airport Explorer Livia, age 9. Thanks, Livia!
Notes by Airport Explorer Yasmine, age 8. Thanks, Yasmine!
Illustration by Airport Explorer Sven, age 9. Thanks, Sven!
Activities by Airport Explorer Zachary, age 7. Thanks, Zachary!
Illustration by Airport Explorer Lucas, age 13. Thanks, Lucas!
Model airplane and activity by Airport Explorer Erik, age 12. Thanks, Erik!
Model airplane by Airport Explorer Roman, age 8. Thanks, Roman!
Illustrations by Airport Explorer Nico, age 11. Thanks, Nico!
Here’s Airport Explorer Sabrina, age 8, working on some activities. Thanks, Sabrina!
Illustrations by Airport Explorers Aidan and Selena, ages 11 and 8. Thanks, Aidan and Selena!
Homemade models crafted from cracker boxes by Tristan, age 14. Thanks, Tristan!
Paper airplanes and aviation crafts to celebrate National Paper Airplane day by Asia and Nyla, ages 11 and 8. Thanks, Asia and Nyla!
Illustrations by Divij, age 10. Thanks, Divij!
Model airplanes by Rusheel, age 9. Thanks, Rusheel!
Drawings by Matteo, age 10. Thanks, Matteo!
Drawing by Mara, age 9. Thanks, Mara!
Drawing by Quintus, age 7. Thanks, Quintus!
Drawing by Darin, age 14. Thanks, Darin!
Models by Alexander, age 6. Thanks, Alexander!
Drawing by Darin, age 14. Thanks, Darin!
Digital drawing by Davina, age 9. Thanks, Davina!
Models by Roman, age 8. Thanks, Roman!
Drawing by Ehtisham, age 8. Thanks, Ehtisham!
Comic book about Ivan the Eagle by Brayden. Thanks, Brayden, and thanks to all the Airport Explorer campers who sent in comic books!
From Chloe
From Livia, Age 9
From Julie, Age 7
Livia’s Panda, Age 9
Julie’s Bees
From Tiffany
From Julie
From Livia
Thank you Julie and Livia!
Livia, Julie and Eva with Airport Explorers Club Hats at the Zoo!
You could win cool Airport Explorer stuff!! Email us with your airport and aviation drawings, crafts, and activities!
Once a week starting on May 29, we’ll randomly choose three explorers to receive cool prizes in the mail!
To enter, you should:
1) Send us some activities or pictures of activities related to the airport or aviation, and the Explorer’s first name and age. We’ll add them to the website!
2) In the email, write that you want to be entered into the draw.
2) Be subscribed to our mailing list with the email address you sent us your work from.
3) Have a valid Ontario mailing address.
By submitting to be entered into the contest, you acknowledge that you have read and consent to the official contest rules.
Please note that if you send in a photo or video of your child, you agree to the following statement: “I consent to the GTAA using images and videos submitted by me/my child on the Explorers At Work Gallery Page”.
Good luck!!